An outline
I. Principles of Historical Political Economy
- Feudal vs. capitalist social property relations
- Quantitative sketch of the longue durée of economic history
- The dynamics of political accumulation and feudal class formation
- The transition to capitalism: contrasting England and France in the 16th-18th centuries
- The bourgeois revolution?
II. The Devil's Bargain
- State reform and capitalist economic development: Continental Europe in the 19th century
- The European state system and the world economy: imperial rivalry
- A senseless crime? The costs and benefits of imperialism
- The exceptional case: Meiji Japan
- Class war and culture war: politics in the capitalist states in the late 19th century
- Socialism or barbarism?
III. The Invisible Statesmen
- The promise of left-liberalism: J. M. Keynes tries to cheat the devil
- The orthodox liberal critique: "incentives," "rigidity" and "malinvestment"
- The Great Depression and the New Deal in the U.S.
- Postwar Social Democracy in Europe
- State developmentalism in East Asia, and its less successful counterparts elsewhere
- The crisis of the 1970s and the neoliberal turn: the devil claims his due
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