Tuesday, April 03, 2012

An outline

I. Principles of Historical Political Economy
  1. Feudal vs. capitalist social property relations
  2. Quantitative sketch of the longue durée of economic history
  3. The dynamics of political accumulation and feudal class formation
  4. The transition to capitalism: contrasting England and France in the 16th-18th centuries
  5. The bourgeois revolution?
II. The Devil's Bargain
  1. State reform and capitalist economic development: Continental Europe in the 19th century
  2. The European state system and the world economy: imperial rivalry
  3. A senseless crime? The costs and benefits of imperialism
  4. The exceptional case: Meiji Japan
  5. Class war and culture war: politics in the capitalist states in the late 19th century
  6. Socialism or barbarism?
III. The Invisible Statesmen
  1. The promise of left-liberalism: J. M. Keynes tries to cheat the devil
  2. The orthodox liberal critique: "incentives," "rigidity" and "malinvestment"
  3. The Great Depression and the New Deal in the U.S.
  4. Postwar Social Democracy in Europe
  5. State developmentalism in East Asia, and its less successful counterparts elsewhere
  6. The crisis of the 1970s and the neoliberal turn: the devil claims his due

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