Monday, April 02, 2012

Call for papers potpourri

I suppose it's good that the academy can still sometimes surprise me.

Contemporary Islam: Dynamics of Muslim Life Call for Papers:
Thematic issue: Muslims and ageing

The International referred journal Contemporary Islam: Dynamics of
Muslim Life welcomes and encourages the submission of articles which
reflect on ageing, perceptions of it and the impact that it has on
Muslim communities both in Muslim majority countries as well as
Muslims living in the west.

Questions and topics for discussion include, but are not limited to:

- The concept of ageing as discussed among Muslims

- Ageing identity and self among Muslims communities
- Challenges faced by Muslim communities as far as an increased ageing
- Changes in the care of the elderly among contemporary Muslim communities
- Problems that elderly Muslims face in the West as far as care and
support are concerned
- Ageing and faith
- Relations between the young and the old: inter-generational
conflict, respect, and veneration
- Political and social discrimination against  elderly Muslims.

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