Sunday, March 04, 2012

"I wanted to love it, but a brief flirtation confirmed my suspicions that the co-op was a place where people in overalls behaved unpleasantly toward you and where arriving at consensus over the price of a plum took longer than the first and second phases of the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks."

Collectivism, of course, makes a fetish of process. That is probably the most benign way to interpret what has recently been going on at the co-op . . .”
There is something unseemly about one segment of the cultivated bourgeoisie sniping at another. I mean, the writer isn’t entirely wrong, but one can’t help but think, Oh, but of course that’s what you’d say . . .
The co-op, despite the wonderful job it does providing organic foods at affordable prices, suffers from its own adolescent myopia: It believes that what it does has broad implications. Suppressing hummus on Union Street won’t change the world.”

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