. . .Basically, there are institutions for material support for writers from certain perspectives. There are far more people who want to make a living as an "intellectual" than there are sufficient space in the ecosystem, if you will. The result is an intense competition that selects for not just orthodoxy but even fanaticism. How much output of journalism and commentary would this model account for?
I am increasingly annoyed by the extent to which no-name hack writers and peripheral media personalities have taken to relying on shock value to draw attention to themselves and advance their careers to some level beyond complete obscurity. We see the anonymous guests on Fox News trying to say the most ridiculously outlandish things they can imagine – "Maybe I'll be the next Glenn Beck!" – and legions of fourth-rate Free Republic commenters filling blogs with as much vitriol as possible to attract attention. Basically anyone who can figure out how to use Blogger is trying to one-up the herd. There are Regnery book deals to be had, after all. And the situation is only exacerbated by highly trafficked, even mainstream media outlets giving a platform to these voices due to the same need to stand out and get attention.
. . .
There are two ways to make it as a writer, and one of them – having some combination of talent, creativity, or intellectual merit – is unavailable to this author. So she does what every other unknown, unaccomplished hack toiling away in obscurity realizes is his or her only chance to be noticed. She sits down and basically writes a 500 word version of "HAHAHA NIGGERS AMIRITE? LOL!" and waits for the call to appear as a guest on O'Reilly. Maybe she'll even get booted from the Chronicle and become the latest right wing martyr to get a speaking tour and book deal. "I was ostracized by the Liberal Establishment!"
I am going to puke blood the next time I have to watch, listen to, or read these blatant attempts by failures to throw a bunch of red meat into the public sphere and kick back and wait for that call from Fox or the Daily Caller. In truth she and her drivel are hardly worth our attention – and the Chronicle goddamn well knows it – yet here we are. Congratulations, Naomi. You've got our attention now. Too bad writers like you (i.e., shitty ones) are a dime a dozen, or else your plan might have worked.
A change jar for loose thoughts — and like a mason jar full of pennies, these thoughts will probably never be used for anything.
Monday, May 07, 2012
An alternative, more pretentious title: A Model of the Composition of the Public Sphere in U.S. Late Capitalism
This post at Gin and Tacos is titled "Red Meat," which is straightforward, if uninventive. Leaving out the parts about the particular piece of trash posted on a blog at the Chronicle for Higher Education, which does not deserve to be any further discussed:
pretentious title
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